St Paul Choral Society's forthcoming "Heart of Europe" Tour

St Paul Choral Society will once again embark on a Singing Tour between the 21st and the 28th of August 2019. This time they will be singing at venues in Saarbrucken, Blieskastel, Metz and Luxembourg.
The choir's first performance will take place on Thursday 22nd August at 7pm, at the Schlosskirche, Blieskastel. This will consist of a Concert. On the following day, Friday 23rd August, the choir will be visiting Trier and singing informally at 11am,at St Peter's Cathedral. The next Concert will take place on Saturday 24th August, at 11.30am, at St Johann’s Basilica, Saarbrucken and that evening, SPCS will perform again, this time at the Ludwigskirche (St Ludwig’s Church), Saarbrucken at 6pm. On Sunday 25th August the choir will participate in a Sung Mass at Cathedrale Saint-Etienne, Metz at 10am and later that day they will again sing at a Sung Mass at Cathedrale Notre-Dame, Luxembourg at 6pm.
The SPCS has travelled abroad every two years since 2011 and this is the choir’s fifth trip. They pride themselves on having performed at St Paul's Cathedral, St Michael's Parish Church Cornhill and Westminster Cathedral in London; St Stephen's Cathedral and the Votive Church in Vienna, Melk Abbey, the University Church in Salzburg and St James Cathedral in Innsbruck; La Madeleine, Saint-Sulpice and the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. In 2017, the choir toured Spain, following some sites on the Camino de Santiago, singing in the prestigious Burgos Cathedral, Leon Cathedral, San Martin Pinario and Santiago Cathedral.
The Saint Paul Choral Society will be led by their Music Director Dr Hugo Agius Muscat, and by Assistant Choral Director Ms Cecilia Agius Muscat.
For this tour the female members of the Choir will be wearing new blouses, designed by the upcoming Maltese designer Saz Mifsud, as part of their uniform.